Writing is a part of daily life. Building a good handwriting helps kids to improve their academic performance and increase focus. Good handwriting is not only necessary for children but is also required for adults. Just like fluency in speaking, good handwriting is an equally important personality trait of a person. Now, the question is how can you identify that the handwriting is good or bad. Well, for that following are few points which...

20 Ideas for School Fancy Dress Competition

The day when children have a fancy dress competition is the best day for them. They love to dress up different from the rest of the kids in their favourite cartoon character, favourite fruit or animal. All schools should host fancy dress competition at least once a year to amuse these little nuggets. Below are 20 fancy dress ideas for school fancy dress competition which can easily be made possible at home. Try them. Pizza...

5 Must Know Vedic Maths Trick For Your Kids.

Vedic Mathematics is derived from a Sanskrit word "Veda" which means "Knowledge". It is a collection of techniques/sutras to solve mathematical problems in a faster and easy way. It has 16 Sutras ( Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras ( Sub Formulae). These sutras help to solve any problem related to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics. It is considered that by using Vedic Math tricks one can solve math problems 10 to 15...

15 Brain Boosting Activities For Preschoolers (Age 3 to 5)

"What guides the brain is more important than the brain itself" When your child is in preschool they will for the first time begin to be introduced to the world of academic learning. This is a very developmental and developing time in a child's life, when their brain is most plastic and where like a sponge they will be able to learn almost anything. So it's your job to use the opportunity to test your children at home as...

બાળકો પર સ્માર્ટફોનની નુકસાનકારક અસરો

આજ ના સમયમાં  ટેક્નોલોજીઓ આશ્ચર્યજનક સાધનો બનાવી અને ઉપયોગી માહિતી ને અમારી આંગળીના ટેરવે ઉપલબ્ધ કરાવીને  વિશ્વમાં ક્રાંતિ કરી રહી છે. છેલ્લા કેટલાક દાયકાઓમાં, આપણા...

Benefits of Abacus Classes

Can your six year old perform simple mathematical calculations? I am sure he /she can. But have you ever witnessed a six year old doing operations like 9854+7678+4786-2390 =? Faster than a calculator? I have! And yes, it’s possible. Abacus ­– is a device just like any other manipulative that your child uses in school. Invented by the Chinese some 2500 years ago, it spread across many other Asian countries and has been proven to...


The need for calculation has always been an essential part of human life. Even in ancient times, the calculations were not just limited to counting but calculative operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division were equally required. Therefore, to meet the need of it, humans tried devising several ways that could make the process of calculation less tedious and quick. But among all different ways to help the calculation, the...


“Handwriting is an imprint of self on page”- Dr. Rosemary Sassoon Handwriting of an individual is a mirror of one’s soul and personality. One simple look at the handwriting can give insights into the nature of the person. The mannerism in which we frame our words on a page showcases the state of our heart as well as the mind. For instance, the chaotic handwritten words along with an array of errors give an impression of...

Can Abacus Math help in cracking Math Olympiads?

Math Olympiads aim at challenging mathematical and logical skills of children. They might seem pretty daunting to most children. Conducted in many countries across the globe, the Olympiads are a standard measure to test the understanding and application of abacus maths concepts .With medals, scholarships and certificates children get highly motivated.  But cracking this two level exam is definitely challenging. 1. The very first thing to...

Right Age to Start Abacus Course

Math as a subject is a must for a well rounded education of a child. Gauging the math skills of a child you can very well predict the academic performance in the long run. It is believed that 4-8 years is the best age when a child can start learning any new concept  and it is the age when grasping power of the brain is excellent and you can remember things for a longer period of time. The child's brain activity is higher during...

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