How do you feel when you know that there is an opportunity right in front of you? The opportunity you might have been waiting for a lifetime, after working hard on your education and aiming that one job! But, you are not qualified for it or maybe you have to work for less compared to others or what if you get turned down for the profile in the initial start itself? And, the only reason is that you don’t know how to speak the...
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) : the universally accepted authority of the English language. Called so because it is published by the Oxford University Press. The first issue was unveiled on 1st February 1884. Over the last 134 years the OED has undergone a multitude of changes to exclude words which seem redundant in today’s world and include those which are gaining popularity and increased usage in our daily lives. As the society...
English is the base and backbone of all learning, since it is the most common medium of education today. One needs to be grammatically correct and have a huge vocabulary bank to master the language. Good spoken English has become a must for all walks of life, and is essential for confidence and personality building. Several English speaking courses for kids are available in the market to help a child pick up the language , and to supplement the...
“Twentieth Century” - an era where the language ENGLISH has become one of the most important languages. To be aware of this language and speak it fluently has almost become a necessity nowadays. From travel to business communication to anything else -we need to know the English language very well. It is certain that a person leaves a good impression if they possess an aptitude for English with great fluency along with the other...
“The only normal way to begin speaking in a new language is to begin speaking badly” – Greg Thomsan India is, one linguistically diverse nation. There are more than fifteen languages spoken throughout, and every fifty kilometers dialect changes. Yet among these languages, there is one language that witnesses a fear of being spoken, among the common masses, and that language is English. Still people do take pains to learn...
A world wide language..Yes, that’s what it is. English is now spoken in almost every country of the world. A language to increase opportunities in business, travel and education – English stands at the forefront now for everything that you want to do. This cannot be ignored and our children being the next generation have to learn it without a second thought! Although, the fact remains - it can be the most difficult second language to...
We live in a globalised world and speaking English with proficiency is important. More and more parents are keen on getting their children started at an early age. Parent’s support and encouragement is the single most important thing for the success of a child. To enter the global workforce, English has become a necessity. Almost 50% of the content available on the internet today is in English. Therefore, knowing the language would make you...
English is a second language for Indians. But as the popularity and the need of this language are increasing, it is very crucial to start early and help children widen their horizon of learning. Children who begin early i.e. before 6 years of age, tend to perform better when it comes to learning a second language. It is seen that children beautifully pick up their mother tongue and amaze us by talking with so much ease; because it’s...