The need to educate never ends. India being a large country with a huge population; education industry has endless opportunities. Although there are private and public schools, training and coaching institutes and sports academies everywhere, the need is endless. When it comes to changing trends and updating the skills of the youth, there is a constant demand for education based startups who can add value to the industry. Let’s see what’s up and new out there with Ed biz:

  • Mother Toddler sessions - The most recently seen trendy business opportunity is to start a mother toddler program where little angels as small as 10 to 18 months come over with their mothers for some exploration and fun activities. These kids can actually enjoy lot of hands on experiences, learn social skills, get exposure to sensory and gross motor skills.
  • Self defense training - As far as self defense is concerned, age is not all a determining factor. Self defense training helps to protect, builds resilience, enhances focus and confidence and develops thinking abilities in intense situations. This can be a good business opportunity for people who have a background with self defense techniques and have an inclination to physical activities.  
  • Stress management course - Stress is a part of everyone’s life now. Stress management courses help in finding success while dealing with stress and ultimately in getting out of it.

A course, whether a diploma or an online program is needed by anyone including children, adults or old age people who are not able to perform well in their personal or professional life. These days a lot of institutes conduct short workshops with new and innovative ideas to help people find a stress free life.

  • Story telling Classes – Stories are everywhere. Stories are a medium of nurturing young minds with ideas and imaginations. Children really learn a lot through stories. Whether its phonics to improve reading or vocab building to improve speaking, stories can do wonders. A good language enhancement program like English Smart is something parents keenly look forward to. It would be a benefitting small business idea to start something of this sort.
  • Skill based training institutes- In the dynamically changing times of today; employers eagerly look for a new skill set that a candidate brings to the organization. Only degrees and formal education is not enough. These institutes add up to the knowledge required in the present day scenario, empowering the youth with latest technology and making them capable of putting their theoretical rote learning into application. General Awareness, IT training and Communication Skills are common skill based requirements needed by the youth to get that dream job!
  • Digital marketing institutes- This is the latest buzz word. Almost every organization now, prioritizes digital marketing over the traditional marketing methods. Since technology is dominating the world today, no business can actually do without digitally letting people know of its existence. Brands can now educate their customers and make their lives better. So starting an institute to train professionals for digital marketing can be a good business opportunity.
  • Everything has gone online and so has education. Today there are e-tutors to teach a foreign language, a math concept or even photography. If you are an expert at anything, e-tutoring is a good way to mint money. Starting an e-tutoring website can also be a good idea. Both tutors and students are mutually benefitted through them. E-tutor and Tutorvista are surely doing a good job!
  • Coding for kids- Coding is now a child’s play. Yes, new institutions are coming up who visualize the future of IT and have realized the importance of beginning early. Coding has been popular in a dynamic manner across the world giving importance to logical and thinking skills of children. Kidswhocode, girlswhocode and are examples of a few organizations working very hard in bringing awareness in this field.
  •  Hands on science experiences- Teaching any concept practically rather than just giving theoretical knowledge has always worked better. Physics and Chemistry can be a matter of no concern if children learn them in practical sessions. Start a science lab and see the fun and sparkle in the eyes of young scientists.
  • Whole brain development programs- A whole brain development program enhances logical thinking, speed of calculation, concentration and improves mental arithmetic skills of a child. These programs have everything that young learners need to sharpen their brain. This is surely a profitable business idea since all children need these skills and parents want to start at an early age. Aloha whole brain development is a big name here.

Online libraries, Book clubs, Board game making classes, Robotics and many many more of such interesting and concept building programs can be a business opportunity for you. Education is a big world wherein, new concepts and ideas come up every day. Find one for yourself and dive into it.  If you enjoy meeting new people and want to contribute your efforts towards building an empowered society; this is the field for you.

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