Reading maketh a full man; Conference a ready man and Writing an exact man! Writing is exploration. Give your child an imaginative world to explore. Reading can educate children in a beautiful manner, but to expand their creative potential, they need to write well. Writing can be a hobby for someone or an everyday need for others. But it is a very important form of communication. The challenge here is to make children aware of the...
Education is a very long-term business. The amount of education startups is now increasing at an exponential rate. With education being the ultimate goal of 51% parents for their children in India (As per an education survey conducted by HSBC), it is not very astonishing that Education startups are going to witness a bright future. Not only in terms of funding, the concept of Education franchise startups is rising in terms of...
We live in a globalised world and speaking English with proficiency is important. More and more parents are keen on getting their children started at an early age. Parent’s support and encouragement is the single most important thing for the success of a child. To enter the global workforce, English has become a necessity. Almost 50% of the content available on the internet today is in English. Therefore, knowing the language would make you...
ADDITION. MULTIPLICATION. DIVISION. For many children these words generate a fear towards maths. They might understand the concepts and formulas, but their inability to do quick and accurate calculations makes them dislike the subject. Maths is one of the first subjects your child is introduced to and is an important part of their curriculum at all ages. Maths teaches problem solving and logical thinking and hence can be applied in real life...
Vedic Mathematics is derived from a Sanskrit word "Veda" which means "Knowledge". It is a collection of techniques/sutras to solve mathematical problems in a faster and easy way. It has 16 Sutras ( Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras ( Sub Formulae). These sutras help to solve any problem related to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics. It is considered that by using Vedic Math tricks one can solve math problems 10 to 15...
India has one of the largest education systems in the world – nearly 1.5 million schools, 700+ universities and over 35,000 higher education institutes. Yet, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the real issues of concern are in the quality of education being provided by these institutes, magnified by the lack of quality teachers. There is an urgent need to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to explore business opportunities in...
The day when children have a fancy dress competition is the best day for them. They love to dress up different from the rest of the kids in their favourite cartoon character, favourite fruit or animal. All schools should host fancy dress competition at least once a year to amuse these little nuggets. Below are 20 fancy dress ideas for school fancy dress competition which can easily be made possible at home. Try them. Pizza...
English is the base and backbone of all learning, since it is the most common medium of education today. One needs to be grammatically correct and have a huge vocabulary bank to master the language. Good spoken English has become a must for all walks of life, and is essential for confidence and personality building. Several English speaking courses for kids are available in the market to help a child pick up the language , and to supplement the...
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison Thinking about your child becoming a book lover is the happiest feeling a parent can enjoy, because the concerned parents nowadays, want their kids to go places and achieve the best and reading is a medium to accomplish it. It is a well-known fact that reading helps in making knowledgeable individuals who are the leaders of tomorrow. But in the...
“By Education, I mean an all-round drawing of best in child and man in the body, mind, and spirit.”- Mahatma Gandhi The contemporary notion that commonly prevails around is that the success of children heavily relies on the academic excellence. This not only adds to the ginormous pressure on the young and tender minds of the children but somewhat make the children lose their interest towards the academic pathway. As the...