Dear Parents,
We all are witnessing drastic changes in environment since past decade. Across the globe rain pattern has changed, some places are becoming severe cold and some very hot, air pollution is increasing at an alarming rate and making it difficult to breathe in our own cities like Delhi/Ahmedabad etc. pollution levels have increased 200% in last 10 years. These changes are very fast and if they continue at this rate then imagine the scenario after 20 years.
In what kind of world our children will be living? What kind of world our grandchildren will breathe in? Isn’t the thought terrifying? Do we all not want our children and grandchildren to live a healthy future?
Yes, we all do want them to live well and healthy.
So we all must make an effort and spread this awareness. Many organization and adults like us are trying to spread this awareness but people are not very serious about it. But we at Aloha also wish to make an effort in a unique way by sending the message to the world by our students/children, we are hopeful that people will see this initiative in a positive way and become more sincere towards preventing all kinds of pollutions and also making our environment better. Hence we are organizing a Cycle Rally of students on 29th July where Children will give out a Simple message to our city,
“Save environment, save our future”
All parents are welcome to join the rally at their discretion. So Let us all try and save our planet mother Earth, which gives us everything for life. So, this is our responsibility to save Earth to ensure that our future generations get a safe environment to live in. We would like to quote here Michal Jackson’s song, “Heal the World, make it a better place, for you, me and the entire human race.”
Let us inspire our children to join this rally and if possible you may please join them. Details of the rally are given here under.
Date & Day : 29th July 2018, Sunday
Time : 5pm – 7 pm
Event Inauguration by : Honorable Mayor Shri Binaben Acharya, Rajkot City.
Participants : Students of Aloha
Student’s Age Eligibility : 10 years & above
Rally on : Racecourse Ring road (one round)
Gathering place : Racecourse ground, opposite airport road.
Registration Last Date : 22nd July 2018 (Limited Entries, First come first basis)
Student’s Requirement : 1 passport Size photo (ID card will be issued)
Student’s Reward : Each participant will get a Certificate signed by Rajkot Mayor and lesson to save the Environment.
More details will be provided to all the registered students and parents.
Note: Students who do not have cycle and willing to participate can contact us.
We will make an effort to promote this cause and event on various platforms such as our websites, Face book, WhatsApp, FM radio, TV news channels, news papers etc.
Our efforts must continue to bring results in future, giving up is not an option.
Let us explain and inspire children to participate and make our contribution in our own way.
Please contact your center for any queries.
Participating Centers:
Kalawad Road, Raiya Road, Guruprasad Chowk, Bhaktinagar, Mota Mova, Ranchhod Nagar, Mavdi Road.
With Best Wishes,
Aloha Team.